The mission of Doxa Dance Company is to present the members of our community with a production that demonstrates the love of Christ through dance. We believe that dance is a method for us to express the joy and peace that comes from a relationship with Christ Jesus. Because every part of our daily lives is a form of worship to Christ, we do not separate the technical training aspect of ballet from worship. Everything we do, we do as an offering to Christ including training and performing with excellence.

Sleeping Beauty and the Saving Prince
In this classic story of romance, Prince Florimund awakened Aurora to life by offering to take the curse of sleep upon himself in her place. Because of the great love and sacrifice he showed towards Aurora, the curse was broken and Prince Florimund was no longer bound in slumber. In every story where unconditional love conquers evil, the original romance between Christ and His creation can be seen. Because of His great love for us, Christ offered to take the curse of death upon Himself in our place. In so doing, He awakened our hearts to life. …